Slide Legal, Academic and Professional translations with a personal touch Commercial Spanish and French to English Translation hola How can I help you? bonjour hello

These are examples of the types of Spanish and French documents that I regularly translate:

  • Certificados de nacimiento/matrimonio/defunción/ Actes de naissance/mariage/décès/ Birth/ marriage/ death certificates

  • Escrituras de Poder/ Procurations/ Powers of Attorney

  • Testamentos/ Testaments/ Wills

  • Escrituras de Compraventa/ Compromis de vente/ Sale of property deeds

  • Antecedentes penales/ Extrait du Casier Judiciaire/ Criminal record checks

  • Expedientes académicos/ Relevés de notes/ Academic transcripts

  • Contratos/ Statuts/ Contracts

Client Testimonials

CPD & Events:

Continuing Professional Development is essential for translators to stay up to date with the latest terminology and developments.

My commitment includes regular training activities in subject and language areas and attending Institute and client events and conferences, both in person and online.

  • As a member of the North and Western Lancashire Chamber of Commerce, you will often find me exhibiting at International Trade Events.

  • Regular participation in local networking groups and events means I have a useful network of business contacts and colleagues.

  • My involvement in school outreach work and promoting languages at careers fairs helps to inspire the next generation of translators.